Luxe Wellness Skin Clinic


HIPEX™ High Intensity Pelvic Exercise

Features & Benefits

Improve weak pelvic muscles with HIPEX™ chair

The CMSlim™ HIPEX treatment is a next generation HI-EMT (High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Training) medical device targeted to increase pelvic floor muscle tone and bladder contol in those who suffer with stress incontinence.

It’s an excellent solution to helping improve bladder control as women or men with bladder control problems can experience physical and mental discomfort. People who suffer from bladder control not only do you suffer physical discomforts but skin damage and urological infections, which can lead to anxiety, tension, shame and depression. Treatment is available for young or old, male or female.

Pelvic floor muscles can be weakened by: 

  • not keeping them active
  • being pregnant and having babies
  • constipation
  • being overweight
  • persistent heavy lifting
  • high impact exercise
  • long-term, persistent coughing (such as smoker’s cough, bronchitis or asthma)
  • ageing

The pelvic floor muscles are like other muscles in the body – they become stronger with regular exercise.

  • Women with stress incontinence (women who wet themselves when they cough, sneeze or are active) will find pelvic floor muscle exercises can help improve their symptoms.
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercise may also be of use for women who have an urgent need to pass urine more often (called urge incontinence).
  • Ladies planning pregnancy pelvic floor muscle exercise will help the body support the future growing baby and reduce the chance of having a bladder or bowel problem after birth. Muscles after pregnancy will return to normal easier and faster.
  • After child birth stimulating pelvic muscles will help with recovery.
  • As women grow older, hormone changes after menopause can affect bladder control and weaken pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscle exercise can help to lessen the effects of menopause on pelvic support and bladder control.
  • Stronger pelvic muscles benefit better sexual function.

Single Treatment Price


3 x Treatments


6 x Treatments


ADD CMSlim™ (single session)


The HIPEX™ chair

The HIPEX™ chair will put the patient as ease. No need to remove clothing, or move their body, they will simply sit back and relax. During a course of four 20 minute treatments, HIPEX™ delivers intensive continuous contractions for strengthening and retraining the patient’s pelvic floor.

HIPEX™ (High Intensity Pelvic Exercise) Chair

HIPEX™ is an excellent solution for men and women, to help improve bladder control and have a better quality of life. Bladder control is affected by pelvic muscles

Book a free consultation with Luxe Wellness Skin Clinic today to learn more about the HIPEX™ Chair and how it can work for you.