Luxe Wellness Skin Clinic


CMSlim™ Body Contouring​

Features & Benefits

Gain muscle and lose weight with CMSlim™

CMSlim™ is an electromagnetic muscle stimulator device designed for aesthetic purpose, having two (2) applicators with higher intensity. It’s cutting-edge technology in non-invasive body contouring, as it not only burns fat, but also builds muscle. This is key to a toned and healthy physique.

CMSlim™ is the most advanced and intensive magnetic muscle stimulator. Focused magnetic stimulation passes through all skin and fat in order to effectively stimulate the muscle, providing the most intensive continuous contractions which is ideal for muscle growth, and also inducing apoptosis.

Two applicators are placed on the target muscle area, such as abs, thighs or buttocks. The applicators then generates intense magnetic stimulations that causes involuntary muscle contractions.

These contractions trigger the release of free fatty acids, which break down fat deposits and increase muscle tone and strength. This is very similar to the way of doing a workout. As working out, the stimulation causes to rebuild and repair muscle tissue, resulting in stronger, firmer muscles.

The magnetic stimulation uses a specific range of frequencies that does not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimulations. The muscle is forced to remain in a contracted state for multiple seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high load conditions the muscle tissue is stressed and is forced to adapt.

Recent studies reported that on average 15% – 16% increase in abdominal muscle thickness was observed in treated patients one to two months after magnetic muscle stimulation treatments.

  • Non-Invasive
  • No Downtime
  • Reduces Fat
  • Increases Muscle Mass
  • Pain Free
  • No Surgery or anaesthesia
  • Easy work out without sweating
  • Safe, medical grade machine with TGA & ARTG Approval (ARGT NO. 339736 Medical Grade)
  • Only takes 30 minutes per treatment, easy to fit into your lifestyle
  • Fast results, seen in as little as 3 weeks, with continuing results after treatments.

Areas that can be treated with our CMSlim™ Machine are: Stomach, Arms (Biceps/triceps) Buttocks, Thighs and calf muscles.

CMSlim™  also has an effect on fat. Muscles need energy to produce contractions. The energy is derived primarily from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and secondarily from creatine phosphate and glycogen to fuel the muscles. When these are depleted, the body’s catabolic processes take place in the form of lipolysis – i.e. the breakdown of lipids (triglycerides) into free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol. These released molecules usually act as an energy source for the needed muscle activity and body metabolism. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn during normal day to day activity as all muscle requires energy to contract.

Single Treatment Price


4 x Treatments


6 x Treatments


ADD HIPEX™ Chair ( single session)


Before & After

Even if you aren’t in optimal shape, you can experience benefits from CMSlim™ for years to come with regular exercise and balanced eating.

What areas can be treated





Calf muscles


CMSlim™ Treatments

During normal exercise (voluntary muscle contractions) the muscles relax between each action as the central nervous system does not have the ability to signal another impulse while one is still in action.  CMSlim™ produces impulses that are independent of brain function at a rapid rate that doesn’t allow for the relaxation phase. Maximal voluntary contractions are the highest amount of tension that can be created and held psychologically under normal conditions. Supramaximal contractions are defined as contractions that have a higher tension than maximal voluntary contractions. CMSlim™ generates supramaximal contractions in the individual which drastically increases the physiological workload required for muscle growth.

Book a free consultation with Luxe Wellness Skin Clinic today to learn more about CMSlim™ and how it can work for you.